Showing 101 - 125 of 167 Results
Catalogue of the Library at Knowsley Hall, Lancashire by Derby, Edward Henry Stanley... ISBN: 9781147444643 List Price: $26.75
Letter to the Right Hon Lord Stanley, Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Col... by Lang, John Dunmore, Derby, ... ISBN: 9781149695197 List Price: $14.75
Correspondence of Edward, Third Earl of Derby, During the Years 24 to 31 Henry VIII : Preser... by Derby, Edward Stanley ISBN: 9781341052309 List Price: $23.95
Translations of Poems, Ancient and Modern [Tr. by the Earl of Derby] by Stanley, Edward George G. S. ISBN: 9781341305801 List Price: $24.95
Reply by Lord Derby to a Deputation from the Meeting Held at Guildhall, Received at the Fore... by Derby, Edward Henry Stanley... ISBN: 9781341547560 List Price: $19.95
Speeches and Addresses (Volume 1) by Derby, Edward Henry Stanley ISBN: 9781235353345 List Price: $19.94
Speeches and Addresses (Volume 2) by Derby, Edward Henry Stanley ISBN: 9781235209239 List Price: $20.77
Speeches and Addresses by Derby, Edward Henry Stanley... ISBN: 9781347577523 List Price: $27.95
The History of the House of Stanley: From the Conquest, to the Death of the Right Honorable ... by Author, Unknown, Unknown Au... ISBN: 9781331338772 List Price: $19.57
Report and Appendix by Hare, Thomas, Great Britain... ISBN: 9781346431611 List Price: $29.95
Remains, Historical and Literary, Connected with the Palatine Counties of Lancaster and Ches... by Society, Chetham, Edward St... ISBN: 9781346456362 List Price: $23.95
Report and Appendix by Great Britain London Livery... ISBN: 9781345091069 List Price: $32.95
Morality of Public Men : A Letter to the Right Hon. the Earl of Derby by Sir William Vernon Harcourt... ISBN: 9781346556147 List Price: $21.95
Report and Appendix by Great Britain London Livery... ISBN: 9781343405363 List Price: $33.95
Report And Appendix by Hare, Thomas, Great Britain... ISBN: 9781343440333 List Price: $33.95
Correspondence of Edward, Third Earl of Derby, During the Years 24 to 31 Henry VIII by Derby, Edward Stanley ISBN: 9780526034000 List Price: $13.95
Claims and Resources of the West Indian Colonies : A Letter to the Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone,... by Henry Stanley Derby, Edward ISBN: 9780469082472 List Price: $12.95
Claims and Resources of the West Indian Colonies: A Letter to the Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P by Edward Henry Stanley Derby ISBN: 9780469082489 List Price: $22.95
Catalogue of the Menagerie and Aviary at Knowsley : Formed by the Late Earl of Derby ... Whi... by Stevens, J. C., Derby, Edwa... ISBN: 9781015329973 List Price: $12.95
Derby Household Books : Comprising an Account of the Household Regulations and Expenses of E... by Raines, Francis Robert, Ffa... ISBN: 9781015843509 List Price: $30.95
Correspondence of Edward, Third Earl of Derby, During the Years 24 to 31 Henry VIII by Derby, Edward Stanley ISBN: 9781016380041 List Price: $15.95
Correspondence of Edward, Third Earl of Derby, During the Years 24 to 31 Henry VIII by Derby, Edward Stanley ISBN: 9781016374477 List Price: $26.95
Of the Advancement and Proficiencie of Learning; or, the Partitions of Sciences, Nine Books.... by Bacon, Francis, Wats, Gilbe... ISBN: 9781016611770 List Price: $32.95
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